Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Mamak Beggars"

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One time I was eating outside at a mamak. It was cold and kinda wet since it's been raining.

I saw from where I was a couple of beggars several tables away. One was younger and a fair bit smaller than the other.

The older one was walking from table to table with packs of tissue and a walking stick. Her coming seemed to be met with at best a cursory wave away. She was in good spirits still, though.

The arrival of beggars always manage to unsettle me some no matter how good the table chat was. I'm never sure if I should give. On the one hand, charity is always good and people who beg are always people in need. On the other hand, the giving might be encouraging them to continue begging and not look for other opportunities to support themselves. Not to mention the alleged syndicate of beggars being used in groups as a form of organized panhandling. That's definitely not to be encouraged, right?

The smaller beggar was met with better response. People smiled warmly, asked him how he was doing. Some outwardly generous people even offered their food which he gladly accepted.

The way the two of them were going about the tables it was clear that mine would be next soon.

The older one reached me first and held out her hand. I looked up, half expecting her to say something, but really more for me to take a good look at her face. I figure it's only polite.

She took my cash and gave me the tissues. None of us said anything to the other. Perhaps she knew my giving was clouded by the insincerity of not wanting to appear miserly in public. She'd be right.

The smaller came up to me almost immediately after. He looked up at me as I gestured apologetically to the lady.

I don't expect him to know what I meant. His charmingly nonchalant way of dealing with people is part of how his gig is so successful, I gather. He nodded away and turned to face the table next to mine, still unmoved from his spot.

With his head turned away I figure I had a good chance to, so I kicked him.

Sorry to say this, but I'm not a big fan of cats.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Si Jimi"

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Kebetulan hari ini sewaktu Cikgu Harom sedang meronda koridor kelas, beliau melepasi bilik darjah tahun akhir "5 Meteor". Kelas ini, seingatnya, adalah kelas yang paling cemerlang sepanjang tahun. Dengan markah peperiksaan yang sentiasa 90 ke atas, hasil kerja tugasan yang berkualiti, tidak lupa juga pencapaian pelajar-pelajar kelas ini menjadi juara Pertandingan Gusti Raksasa Peringkat Negeri, kelas "5 Meteor" jelas sekali adalah kelas kebanggaan Institut Latihan Muda-mudi Unik.

Nyatalah waktu ini memang waktu rehat. Tiada seorang pun pelajar yang kelihatan di bilik darjah ini, fikir Cikgu Harom. Sedang beliau mula menoleh keluar kelas, beliau ternampak sesuatu di ekor matanya. Sangkaan Cikgu Harom silap. Ada lagi seorang pelajar yang masih berada di dalam kelas. Dengan perasaan sedikit malu, beliau menoleh kepada pelajar yang sedang duduk di mejanya tadi.

"Maaf ya, Cikgu cuma meronda sahaja," katanya.


Cikgu Harom berhenti. Beliau mendongak sedikit, menunggu pelajar tadi membalas tegurannya. Setelah beberapa saat, beliau berjalan ke arah pelajar tadi yang masih duduk selamba berseorangan. Mejanya kosong kecuali sepucuk beg pensel yang terbuka zipnya.

Wajah pelajar tadi kelihatan muram. Badannya lentok sedikit dan matanya kuyu, dia nampak samada letih, atau sangat bosan. Mulutnya terbuka beberapa milimeter, menampakkan dua batang gigi depannya yang megah terpacul keluar bibirnya. Rupa dan lagak pelajar ini yang bersahaja meragukan Cikgu Harom, menyebabkan beliau tersentak seketika.

"Kenapa dengan budak ini. Ada masalah peribadi mungkin," fikir Cikgu Harom.

Sebagai guru yang perihatin, beliau sudah biasa melayan kerenah pelajar remaja seperti ini..

Beliau mengambil kerusi berdekatan meja pelajar tadi lalu duduk bertentangan dengannya. Beliau mengecilkan matanya untuk membaca tanda nama yang tertera di poket uniform pelajar tadi: "Jimi".

"Jimi," kata Cikgu Harom. "Kenapa kamu masih di kelas? Kawan-kawan kamu semua di kantin, kan?"

Jimi mengelip matanya sekali.

"Tak lapar ke?"

Jimi mengelip matanya sekali lagi.

Cikgu Harom semakin risau. Beliau cuba mengimbas kembali ke zaman persekolahannya. Sangat jarang ada pelajar bersuperpower yang memilih untuk bersendirian di bilik darjah di waktu rehat. Lagi-lagi dengan perasaan murung sebegini rupa. Kalaupun mereka berasa sedih atau emosional, biasanya mereka hanya akan ke gim dan melepaskan geram menggunakan kuasa mereka.

"Kuasa.." kata Cikgu Harom dalam hatinya. Jimi masih tidak bergerak. Mungkin si Jimi ini masih belum timbul kuasanya. Terjadi juga kes-kes begini di kalangan remaja. Pelajar yang bijak dari segi akademik dan cemerlang dalam kegiatan kokurikulum lain, tetapi tidak menunjukkan apa-apa tanda kuasa luarbiasa.

Selalunya pelajar sebegini dimasukkan di I.L.M.U. kerana laporan kesihatan kerajaan mengesahkan mereka mempunyai DNA superhero, namun kuasa mereka lambat timbul. Mereka biasa diejek rakan-rakan dengan panggilan seperti "lembab", "stupidhero", dan macam-macam nama lain yang memanaskan telinga Cikgu Harom. Mangsa buli seperti mereka perlu dipupuk dengan baik, takut-takut bila kuasa mereka timbul kelak, mereka mungkin terjebak jadi supervillain pula.

Cikgu Harom menyeluk tangannya ke dalam beg pensel tadi, lalu mengeluarkan sebatang pen.

"Kamu pernah guna pen yang tiada dakwat?," tanya Cikgu Harom sambil meneliti pen itu.

"Macam mana kamu tulis pun, dakwatnya tetap degil. Tak mahu juga keluar," sambungnya sambil membuat gaya menconteng pen di udara.

"Tapi pen ini masih berdakwat, kan? Nampak?," Cikgu Harom menuding jarinya ke kelongsong lutsinar pen itu. Jelas kelihatan dakwat biru yang masih banyak di dalamnya.

"Di dunia ni tiada benda pun yang sempurna, Jimi. Bersabarlah. Lambat laun akan keluar juga dakwatnya nanti."

Jimi tidak bersuara. Tidak tersenyum, tidak mengeluh, tidak juga mengelip matanya seperti tadi. Malah, dia tidak bergerak walau semilimeter pun.

Cikgu Harom mengerut dahinya. "Penat-penat aku bercerita, budak ini masih terlopong. Buang tenaga sahaja," kata beliau dalam hati. Cikgu Harom bingkas berdiri. Mungkin si Jimi ni sakit, fikirnya.

Dari jauh kedengaran bunyi tapak kaki pelajar yang riuh bergegas pulang dari waktu rehat. Baru sahaja Cikgu Harom menoleh untuk ke luar, tali lehernya terbang ke atas ditiup deras angin yang muncul lalu lesap secara tiba-tiba. Di hadapan papan hitam sekarang terpacak berdiri Mohd Farah, ketua kelas "5 Meteor". Dia sedang memegang sebatang kayu aiskrim.

"Kamu ni! Terkejut Cikgu," kata Cikgu Harom, hampir menjerit. "Tahulah kamu tu laju, tapi nak masuk bilik pun jaga-jagalah. Habuk ni!"

"Maaf, Cikgu.." kata Mohd Farah. Dia menunduk, matanya terhinggap ke batang aiskrim yang kosong di tangannya. Kepalanya terus menjenguk ke luar kelas mencari-cari, hampa.

"Cikgu nak tanya ni," kata Cikgu Harom sambil menuding pen di tangannya ke arah Mohd Farah. "Kenapa dengan Jimi tu? Kamu semua buli dia ke?"

"Mana ada," jawab Mohd Farah sambil membuang batang kayu tadi ke bakul sampah.

"Pelajar yang tiada kuasa hebat macam kamu, tak usahlah dibuli, faham?" ujar Cikgu Harom lagi.

"Mana ada kami buli dia," balas Mohd Farah.

"Habis tu kenapa dia duduk seorang sahaja di bilik darjah ni?"

Mohd Farah membelek ke arah meja Jimi.

"Oh. Tu bukan Jimi la Cikgu."

Cikgu Harom mengangkat keningnya tinggi. Dia menoleh ke arah "Jimi" tadi. Perlahan-lahan beliau mencucuk matanya dengan pen.

Pen tadi menusuki mata Jimi dan hujungnya tertembus keluar ke belakang kepalanya tanpa rintangan. Terasa seperti pen tadi menembus angin. "Jimi" mengelip.

"Tu klon dia. Jimi boleh buat klon guna cahaya."

"Buat apa?" kata Cikgu Harom yang terbeku di situ.

"Dah seminggu dah dia syak pen dia ada orang ambil. Dia buat klon ini untuk perangkap pencuri tu."

Bunyi tapak kaki pelajar semakin dekat didengari. Sepasang kaki yang melangkah cemas kedengaran. Dari pintu kelas yang bertentangan dengan Cikgu Harom, masuklah seorang pelajar bermata kuyu bergigi ke depan.

Jimi menuding jarinya ke arah Cikgu Harom dengan penuh semangat.



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Saturday, June 8, 2013

KIL, this movie.



To those who haven't seen KIL yet, go ahead and do so before reading this one. Come on. Be fair to yourself. You won't regret it. You *have* to watch this movie.

If you need more convincing, then you are the reason most local films are lousy. Watch it. Watch it now.




Kil is not a great movie. You won't leave the cinema feeling satisfied. It won't change the world.

Not immediately. (We'll get back to this later.)

In coming up with how to approach Kil, I'm gonna make some comparisons to another movie I've blogged about: last year's Looper (2012).

In Kil, a suicidal guy (Kil) enlists the help of a shadowy agency to help him kill himself. He then falls in love with a girl (Kris Cempaka Cristina Suzanne Stockstill) and decides not to die. But as Harun Salim Bachik says poetically, "tak boleh cancel-cancel".

Here we have a very clear conflict set up with solid expectations:
How will Kil get out of his suicide contract?
Why does Kil want to kill himself so bad?

Very clean.

In "Looper", the main character is a hitman (Joe) working for the mob who kills people from the future. He knows that one day his future self will be the one he has to kill. Future Joe arrives, but manages to escape Present Joe. Now that Future Joe is on the run, the mob is coming after Present Joe.

Clear question. Solid expectations:
How will Present Joe track down Future Joe and kill him?
How did Future Joe escape the assassination attempt? And Why?


These questions are important to set up the audience's expectations. What's even more important, is how to play it out over 90 minutes of movie time.

Looper did this by introducing Present Joe's motives. His backstory. How he got to where he is. We show the audience the consequences of what happens if you don't "close the loop", to clue the audience in on how high the stakes are.

THEN we hit the point of conflict where Future Joe manages to escape Present Joe.

Movie then splits into Future Joe and what his motivations are. We get into the second confrontation, complications happen, movie ends.

Kil however, hit us immediately with the central conflict. It opens with Kil trying to kill himself already. This sets the audience up for something more.

"Oh. He attempts suicide right off the bat? Crazy. I don't even know why he's doing this yet."

Empathizing with the main character is important in the first few minutes of a film. We need to care for a character. Otherwise we're just watching a guy do stuff.

We (the audience) need to see the main character's goals and relate to them.

Showing the conflict at the start of a movie is not wrong, but it only works if the conflict is immediately relatable.

See: Iron Man (2008) where we open with Tony Stark being blown up and kidnapped before we learn anything about the character. This opener works because being kidnapped and blown apart is immediately relatable. You don't want that to happen to you. Now it's happening to this dude. Who is he? Let's find out. Simple progression of story there.

Joe's conflict in Looper is him not being able to kill a guy. Why would I (as the audience) care? Isn't it good that a guy escapes being killed? The guys behind Looper understands this problem of relatability, THEREFORE we open the movie by learning about Joe and his life. Once we learn how bad it is to not 'close the loop', THEN we see the conflict play out with the failed assassination. Straightforward story progression.

If "Looper" did what "Kil" did, it would have started out with the assassination attempt gone wrong, THEN we see his motivations. Clumsy, don't you think?

Now of course, films being an artistic medium, the rule of 'must learn about the protagonist in the first few minutes' is not a hard and fast, unbreakable law. There are ways in which a film can open on the conflict and still be engaging and entertaining.

My point at this part of the movie however, is that opening with the conflict should lead us into something more. He wants to kill himself and keeps failing. Why does he keep failing? Maybe we'll find out.

But not yet.

Kil instead finds out by chance of a shadowy organization that claims to 'solve' the problem of suicidal tendencies. He signs up and continues going about his life. While he does so, we see hints of Zara (a female character he will soon fall for) and his conversations with his brother and mother (who may or may not only exist in his dreams, we don't know at this point. Kil keeps waking up from things).

Kil also periodically checks up on this film director "Johan Iskandar" who is making a local film. I have no idea why this B story is here.

Zara and Kil have a connection, it is hinted that she works for Life Action Bureau and Kil sorta perks up a bit.

Also there's an Indian lady who talks to Zara. Zara then thanks her for her son's kidney that saved her from dying. I have no idea why this C story is in here either.

Kil gets kidnapped by a group of people, gets tossed around and sent back home safely (what) after which he gets mad and calls up L.A.B. to cancel his contract.

Keep in mind at this point in the film, we still don't know why he wants to kill himself so bad. The film almost doesn't want to tell you, by only hinting at a "maybe he killed his family by accident" answer.

Of course by this point, you don't really care what his motivations for suicide are, because his motivations *changed*. He doesn't want to kill himself anymore and instead wants to be with Zara.

At the end of the movie, as Kil is about to be murdered by Harun, it's revealed that the agency is actually one that concocts elaborate schemes to help suicidal people get out of their funk and find meaning in their lives.

It ends with a shot of him on the roof, not killing himself. No monologue. No tie-up. End.

The inclusion of the B and C stories that never converge into the main story makes it feel like the whole thing is a padded out short film.

Man, I really wanted Kil to be a good one. Then again, I also wanted In Time and Looper to be good.

Just as "Looper" failed in properly owning the central conflict of how to deal with your past self, and "In Time" failed to examine the consequences of wasting our lives, "Kil" never really looks at the issue it dances around: suicide.

"Kil" really should have been a short about an assisted suicide company that turns out to be helping people solve their suicidal tendencies. Flux visual lab is good at those.

Short films, by nature, force the viewer to fill in many of the gaps themselves, freeing the creator of the film to merely sketch and outline a theme and let the audience wring out the juice on their own.

Writing and crafting a full 90-minute film requires a different approach and merely scaling a short won't work most of the time. Trust me on that one.

The shots look good though. Shame about the story.


Now that I've finished being a critic, I must go on to congratulate flux visual lab on getting this film made and out in cinemas. The fact that a concept film like Kil managed to be completed and out in GSC and TGV alongside "Bro, Mana Motor Gua?" is commendable.

For all its flaws, Kil does one thing very well: It never insults the audience. It's a shame that this is the exception for our local films. If you're paying RM15 for a movie, it should challenge you. It should shape you and make you think of things. If you really want to just laugh for 90 minutes, pay someone to tickle you. Or go on YouTube.

Local pop culture needs more films like Kil to be made and seen by local viewers. Go out there and support our hometown boys. In cinemas. It's getting late to do that but there's still some time.

If you don't want Malaysian cinema to be filled with shit, you have to do your part. Go and see Kil.

And even if you're not satisfied with the ending, don't kill yourself.


random heckler observations:

  • So the chalkboard shots and the lying among photos shot are just for the trailer to look good I guess
  • Out-of-focus headcrop shot! Don't worry, we'll put awesome indie music as the soundtrack and people won't know because ART.
  • Indian lady bought 4 oranges and just one mango. What is this, Mr. Bean?
  • Cristina Suzooey DeschaStockstanell looks like Cillian Murphy. This is a compliment.
  • The girl in the office. What was she there for again? I don't blame her not knowing the kuih's name though. I don't know either.
  • The boss' front teeth. Yeesh. 

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